User roles
Users can have different roles and related access rights:
Anonymous users
Non-logged users have anonymous access to the system. They can see all published QC Items.
Logged users
Users who log in with an EBU account (which can be created here: can create their own QC Templates and populate these with QC Items.
Participants in the EBU QC Group can see all QC Items (also those in e.g. 'drafting'). They further can create new QC Items and become the assigned Lead Editor ('owner') of specific QC Items.
Workflow managers
Editors who help run the editorial process. These persons have some additional rights to e.g. manage the status of QC Items and Discussions.
Individuals tasked with maintaining the system have additional rights to keep the sytem and its content up-to-date.
Version by Frans De Jong - Nov. 2, 2023, 4:29 p.m.